/www.propublica.org/article/in-montana-a-tough-negotiator-proved-employers-do-not-have-to-pay-so-much-for-health-careLong article,........... in a nut shell:
This is about
a large work employers hard core negotiating tactics to get lower insurance costs for its employees by demanding "transparency" and saying "no" to high and hidden costs.
Its a large number of "customers" which also made this possible. The woman behind it takes no BS from hospitals, drug companions, or the insurance industry. One smart
cookie with ba//s! She forced them to eliminate ridiculous "hidden" markups- because she did detective work exposing this.
Montana's largest employer just so happens to be the State of Montana. The cost dropped and was passed on to the taxpayers and the state employees.
If it didnt work, she would have lost here job but didnt care since she was 67 at the end of here career anyway. Took the chance and it worked. Almost blackmailed the health industry get this done.
If I were her, Id fear for my life, health care is big corrupt $ in the US.
Post Edited (astroman) : 10/7/2018 10:44:26 AM (GMT-6)