More power to you if you can do exercise of any sort. It's one area where I'm lacking a plan or routine. I occasionally do some freestyle yoga and that really seems to help all around, also light training with lifting not so heavy stuff a few times, like a book bag, duffel or empty suitcase. I do minimal repetitions ("reps" as they say in fitness parlance..) but at least I do something. Like some days I will only do 5 squats.
I worked on my car all day one day this week and it was a difficult repair and it took a lot out of me, was on my back for a lot of it. I count that as exercise. I moved 2 or 3 cinder blocks that I was using as jack stands and by the time that was done my heart was pounding and I could hear it streaming through my ears with my earplugs on. During the repair my body would just get weak and I would just let it go lame and it's like I would forget to breathe. After the repair, that night I felt the way I used to feel after running a 5K, or maybe like I had been hit by a truck.
Right now during an intermittent fast (no food since this afternoon), I may be clear headed enough to get a little exercise plan together. Maybe an easy bike ride, or walking at a park would be good.
But I'll echo the others here about
keeping it to light lifting, pilates type stuff and minimal cardio...
(I miss doing heavy cardio endurance exercise so much! I used to swim, weight train, ride a bike and play a team sport all in the same day... ::sadface:: )
Post Edited (borrelioburgdorferii) : 10/12/2018 1:05:35 AM (GMT-6)