Girlie said...
astroman said...
Anyway, I always though everyone with lyme has "chronic fatigue" as its one of the the main symptom. Checking thyroid levels is the very first thing one should do with extreme fatigue, lyme or no lyme - cant guess, its some lab testing.
Nope not everyone. I don’t have fatigue.
we’re all unique in our symptom “package”Wow, no fatigue with lyme (!?)
had pretty much all of the classic lyme symptoms, and from reading here I assumed everyone had major lyme fatigue. Thats why so many are inaccurately dx'd with fibro.
Fatigue and aches, low muscle recovery are what led me to look into lyme. Without those but still with the other symptoms, lyme diagnosis/detective work prob would have been more difficult to arrive at lyme being the issue.
My fatigue is much improved after lyme treatment. My energy follows thyroid levels now, with two doses a day, highs and low from T3 are a reality. Deep sleep is a must to- big difference. Shallow sleep is not much better than no sleep to me. Gut health is related to energy too - learned from experience.