SOO.. I've noticed something pretty interesting lately. Well first let me say I've been struggling with Lyme for over 20 years now. Didn't know it until about
7 years ago. Anyways, I've guinea pigged the hell outta myself since but my symptoms always return (the physical is fantastic in comparison to what it was,.. the mental on the other hand not so much, most days I feel like I outta be locked up in a looney bin somewhere). So I'm sure like most people with debilitating anxiety/depression/irrational fear + paranoia I have a few alcoholic beverages any time I need to do anything potentially overwhelming, which depending on the day could be just about
ANYTHING lol. So I don't know how alcohol effects other people with Lyme but for me it wakes me up quite a bit, I don't generally get drunk, wether I drink one beer or six within a few minutes the effect is exactly the same. Now drinking an entire bottle of liquor.. very different. I go from feeling somewhat sober to 'can't see straight, probably going to black out' in about
60 seconds. So all that is good and fine (or at least tolerable 🤣). But my issue is this crazy thing that started happening a few weeks after I started taking Tumeric + Bosweila 2x a day. I basically lost my mind 7-10 hours after I started drinking heavy (well moderate-heavy, usually vodka + cranberry).. sooo, long story short... I was Herxing so badly for two days straight all I could do was sob uncontrollably in the fetal position begging god to make it stop. It was no picnic I'll tell u that. BUT!!.. after a couple times of doing this MY ANXIETY IS GONE! it's kind of a big deal 😏 really! When your TERRIFIED to leave your room, to leave your house, to do simple things, things that YOU KNOW you shouldn't be scared of and can't figure out why you are afraid, but you can't make it stop either!.. HELL ON EARTH! Its no wonder so many Lyme sufferers become drug addicts. Pain killers are like the 'fix all' for Lyme. .. tough to kick tho (never worth it in the end). Anyways. It occurred to me that you can really only herx from alcohol if.. #1. You are taking a biofilm inhibitor religiously for at least a few weeks prior (tumeric and bosweila are both great, my memory isn't the greatest but from what I remember reading they prevent biofilms from forming by interupting the molecular structure) #2. You get your blood alcohol level high enough to kill those little bugs😏 Unlike most antibiotics and supplements, ethanol gets fantastic penetration in EVERY part of your body, it passes the BBB easily and even better is that the bacteria will come out to feed on most acohol only to die (normally alcohol consumption induces bilofilm production and increases biofilm mass. So without #1 your not killing anything but brain cells 🤣). Ohh.. there should be a #3!.. you gotta take a load of activated charcoal, drink h2o, epsom salt baths.. anything you can think of to detox as quickly and efficiently as possible cuz you'll be living in hell for DAYS, I assure you. A babysitter isn't a terrible idea, a straight jacket and a padded room couldn't hurt either.
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