Posted 11/15/2018 4:03 AM (GMT -5)
I joined earlier this year and I am doing good on Dr. Jernigan's remedies from reading his book. My diet is also helping, mostly vegetables with some fruit and some protein and liquids throught the day. When I first came in here, I couldn't eat fruit but now I can. I also had trouble digesting protein and fat but I'm not having that problem now.
This is the end of my 6th month on the remedies, and it is my 3rd round of remedies taken for 2 months each. Because these lyme suckers are difficult to get rid of, Dr. Jernigan changes remedies every 2 months for the ones that hide and are considered stealth. So far, I followed the book and started out with Lymogen for 2 months, then Borrelogen for 2 months, and now Microbojen for 2 months. Throughout the treatment I also take Neuro Antitox II Basic (for nerves and to clear them out of my body) which I take at the same time.
The good thing is I don't stress and worry about my recovery any more. I take 2 remedies at the same time, three times a day, anytime allowing 10 minutes away from food or drink. Then, I carry on with whatever I have planned with my day. One day a week I'm off the remedies.
That's all I do now and I'm living a very decent life. The 2 remedies cost me about 110 per month shipped to me, and I order them myself.
I followed Deejavu (Denise) from this forum. I am forever thankful to her for writing about her success and her encouragement to me. Her posts about Dr. Jernigan's remedies and her success in getting well on those remedies are one of the main reasons I am taking the remedies. She did a lot more of the protocol than I have done. I only take the remedies now and plan to continue taking them as the book recommends. I am probably 2/3 finished. I have a decent life already. It's a big improvement from the life I was living.
The remedies are so mild now that it is almost like drinking water. I only take 1 squeeze of each of the 2 remedies, and I do that 3 times a day.
You're not supposed to hurt or take a ton of other medicines and stuff.
This is so simple. Anyone could do this. Clean up your diet and drink plenty of liquids throughout the day.
Follow success.
I wish the best for everyone in here.