I don’t have much help to offer. Just wanted to chime in that I worry about
my liver and kidneys a lot, but the doctors never seem concerned.
My AST/ALT have only been higher than normal range once. When last tested in April, they were 18 and 20, so good and back where they used to be. Bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase are normal. The latter is at the low end of normal. I don’t trust those standard labs, though, and don’t think they tell the whole story.
Non-alcoholic liver disease is in my family, so it’s a concern for me. Couple that with the fact that I am a terrible detoxer, and the writing is on the wall, IMO, but no doctor is concerned.
I like what auzzie said and would very much like to see someone who does bioresonance, but I don’t want to waste money on someone who’s not really good. I was just thinking this morning about
possibly seeing a TCM practitioner just to see what they identify as my weakest organs.
I should add, too, that my kidney labs are low - BUN, creatinine, chloride. Albumin/globulin ratio was high. ADH and osmolality are both low, which has an effect on hydration. Saw PCP yesterday. He said the kidney labs reflect over-hydration. I worry they may reflect liver disease, but docs insist it doesn’t since liver labs are fine.
I’v never done a liver cleanse. I fear it. I have used topical castor oil on the liver, and at times it made me pretty sick - nausea and maybe vomiting. My gut is not good. I have constipation and require high dose magnesium citrate (Natural Calm). Stuff that hits the digestive organs hard can make me feel putrid and turn green. That alone probably shows I sick organs.
Post Edited (WalkingbyFaith) : 12/4/2018 5:59:50 AM (GMT-7)