My western blot in 2017 showed positive for lgg41, lgg58 and lgg66. I went to an LLMD and was told that it was unlikely that I had Lyme since i wasn't displaying any symptoms. She put me on a smilax supplement then I added a detox support formula followed by teasel root and artemissin SOD said that if I didn't feel sick or had any reactions to the supplements than it's not lyme..which I didn't. I haven't done the IGENEX test. For the past 2 years, I've had problems with frequent urination and most recently I had Radiesse injected into my laugh lines and had an immune reaction to it. My blood pressure went high and I had itching all over my body. These symptoms lasted about
2 weeks and then went away completely. I also had Xeomin a few times and each time I wet myself during my sleep a few days later & have woken up with difficulty swallowing but only for 1 night. So that along with the frequent urination and dry eye symptoms is all I have. I was also tested for mold and was told I had some of the mold markers and was referred to a specialist. My most recent western blot was inconclusive. I haven't been sick with a cold or anything for a year now and read that people with Lyme rarely catch colds. I know something's wrong with me...Could it be Lyme or mold? I think my house has mold from water damage. I'm also hypothyroid and have the fatigue that goes along with it but nothing to the point where I can't still work out and function and am probably in peri-menopause..I have a hard time concentrating and remembering things. I sometimes get itchy throughout my body when i take certain supplements. No rashes, just itching. I also had a high TGF-b1 test result of 6180 (I have no idea what this test is for and C4a of 4195.
Post Edited (BadAssB) : 12/17/2018 12:22:27 PM (GMT-7)