1. Don't know, probably fine hopefully others will chime in.
2. I suspect it will usually resolve with effective treatments of the lyme/coinfections, especially if these infections are the primary ones driving the immune dysfunction allowing opportunistic infections to thrive. That said, taking monolaurin as a stopgap measure is not a bad idea, especially if it can help bring some relief in pathogen load freeing up the immune system a bit more. My doc had me on it for a while. And the converse could potentially be true, maybe the ebv is driving the immune dysfunction, I've certainly seen that idea thrown around.
3. Eh, I think if money is tight it is better invested in treatments. But that truly depends on how much confirmation you'd like. I tend to go for broad coverage treatment approach because while we might test positive for certain infections, there are often occult infections lurking in the background that can sometimes also be primary drivers (and the tests don't always pick them up). Have you flared to any particular treatments? what infections do you currently suspect?
4. Given how these infections manipulate, distort, and evade the immune system I'd always be hesitant to rule out active infection based on antibody tests. Igg result doesn't mean it is active, but doesn't definitively mean it is not active.
Post Edited (sebreg) : 2/2/2019 11:52:07 AM (GMT-7)