WalkingbyFaith said...
I just saw where you commented on another post yesterday. Do you mind giving a quick update on your chelation progress here for those following this post?
Sure, 7 months in to mercury treatment. 1st month supplements only while I had dental work done and 6 months of pulling mercury. Officially hit Round 26 the first of April.. 3 week break due to ear surgery.
So I'm hopefully at the hardest stage (called the dump) of the protocol being 6 months in. I say this because if this is the worst it's not that bad. I think I have my Chelation dose just right and I gotten most of the the effects of mercury negated with supplements and diet.
I did developed new food sensitivities and had to adjust my diet. Not uncommon. Whole foods/grains, organic, low sulfer (Thiolds) and eating on a 3 hr schedule I'm back to feeling pretty good most days. My bad days are more just blah, lower energy and motivation. But that sometimes only last a few hrs. This is normal and temporary.
I still have a ways to go. Maybe 18 more months but currently living a fairly normal life. My 3 main limitations are diet, working out and recreational drinking. Lots of strain on the gut and liver while removing mercury and pituitary gland is the last to heal so adrenals are still weak. I just need to be sure I don't over do it even when feeling good. Also knowing what to supplement combats the effects of what mercury does to your mental heath
I'm pretty close to my pre Lyme/heath crash days and very optimistic about
my future. I'll be hitting the big 60 this year and much more capable now again in working in a high stress job. I now have no intentions of even considering retirement for at least 10 more years.
So while Lyme stole a few years of physical heath from me, Mercury stole almost a lifetime especially all it's little mental crap it puts you through. Fear, self doubt. anxiety, OCD.
I intend to take it all back.
Good Luck all.
Happy Easter!!!