Posted 2/15/2019 7:41 AM (GMT -5)
I used to have dull pain in my sternum area for a really long time, occasionally it would go away, then come back. It wasn't stabbing, just dull and constant, with the intensity sometimes changing. It felt like pain in the cartilage. Yes, if I'd lift something heavy it would become sharp pain, as if my cartilage was going to snap.
I have no clue due to what it was, they say babesia can cause this, I'm not sure in my case.. EBV has flared then, and I had a big problem with mold (sometimes I literally feel my entire esophagus, I guess it's inflammed from mold), maybe this has got something to do with it.
As I got better, the pain kind of dissipated, but I can't remember now, perhaps it still sometimes comes back, low intensity. Warm microwave wheat bag sooths it.