Posted 3/2/2019 4:07 AM (GMT -5)
Are you taking something to detoxify mold? Are you still being exposed to it?
I would assume you are, in case the root cause of your ongoing bladder issues is mold.
Whenever I am in a moldy environment I instantly get irritated bladder, urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence and pain. I also went to see an urologist some time ago, and from all my pointless doctors visits, that was the most hilarious one. That guy didn't have a clue about anything. He was formal in a strange and clumsy way, had a special 'ceremony' to go about examination, had no answers to any of my questions, kept saying "lymes" when I brought it up, and in the end told me to try to drink less often in order to retrain my bladder, like you train babies to go potty. Diagnosis was irritated bladder, but that's a symptom, what is the cause??
It can be bartonella too, A BART by Byron White should be pretty strong even though it's a tincture.