A Large Outlay of NIH and Private Funding Is Imminent if Not Long Overdue
Maybe someone already posted these links but I wanted to bring this up, because I hadn't seen it yet, or forgot that I already read it lol:
Stanford Working Group is raising money for the Scientific Study of Lyme Disease; citing disparities in funding between other disease with far less cases per year, as reported by the CDC to secure NIH funding....
My estimates on what would be an appropriate al
location, just a wild guess, would be more than 10 Billion....maybe quite a bit more than that...if you were to use the same scaled-to-proportionate funding as allocated for Zika, Malaria, Hiv/Aids...
Lyme is still WAY under-reported, under-funded and under-estimated, as a PANDEMIC.
NIH is paying more attention now, the private sector in the interest of Science and helping people and others should follow.
The real costs of tick borne diseases in terms of disability, treatment and diagnosis costs, lost income and productivity cannot be emphasized enough.
Also, The Tick Borne Diseases Working Group have released their 1st report, with others to follow...
It's a step in the right direction to getting timely accurate diagnosis and treatment, it's nice to know that people are working towards this.
The Patient Stories feature are what I found particularly interesting, featuring a black Vietnam Vet dealing with mental health issues, a female fighter pilot with neuroborreliosis, and a 15 year old in a wheelchair among others...
https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/tbdwg-report-to-congress-2018.pdfIf you don't have time to read the whole 100 page report, at least read the patient stories!