Sheekster said...
I took primaquine and suprax with Dr. H in California associated with Igenex. Didn't really do anything for me. However, like Charlie (ouch Charlie bit meee, lol) I did some research on primaquine and found that other forum members noted that it was effective for babesia duncani (which is what I have) when used in combination with other anti malarial drugs, and I was using it as a single agent per my llmd, which I did think was strange... I have since switched to Dr J who I believe uses coartem but not primaquine.
Primaquine on it's own may not be enough, again, I took high doses of Stevia with Premaquine and Chloroquine, then Coartem and Daraprim. Then a few weeks break, then hit it again...
I only made it two 12 days the first cycle, then 7 days the next cycle. The herxing and fatigue was so bad I couldn't make it to the 14 day mark with primaquine.
For me, this protocol put enough dent in my infection where I followed up with disulfiram for a few days, then pyrazinamide for a week, then now I'm just smoking a stevia dominant strain of hybrid cannabis.
The cannabis herxing was more violent, however when being on primaquine, I felt like I was ran over by a freight train, I had slept for 2 days straight.
And at times being on stevia dominant strain of hybrid cannabis, feels like I've been up for 2-3 days with very little sleep. I'm still mildly herxing, small violent twitches in every parts of my body.
Once I took Babesia out of the picture, a lot of the biofilms, maybe even more coinfections, maybe even nematodes? I suspect the borrelia infeciton has become a lot easier to treat.
If you really want to get silly, Stevia/Primaquine/Quinine.
Even sillier, I once tried Coartem and Larinate (Artesunate/Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine)
My honest opinion is coartem, daraprim, larinate, Artesunate are all pretty save antimalarials. Be careful with primaquine, may have to take folic acid with it like dapsone. And remember about
the genetic disorder, some people could get liver damage, but I suspect that's for a very small population and people of special ethnic background.
Primaquine alone wont be enough.
Sheekster said...
did some research on primaquine and found that other forum members noted that it was effective for babesia duncani (which is what I have) when used in combination with other anti malarial drugs, and I was using it as a single agent per my llmd, which I did think was strange...
May be... But again, you didn't combine primaquine with any of the other 3 drugs and herbs I mentioned did you?
Coartem or Artenulate... Both of these pharmaceutical brands of artemsia are found to erradicate borrelia persister cells really well in the john hopkins study.
I also found having a super high fat diet and using Stevia made these drugs probably 3x more effective. Don't give up, there's plenty of other lyme patients that failed with primaquine too, but it seems they didn't use a highly effective biofilm buster... Or paired it up with Coartem... Or used a high fat diet.
Even Dapsone wasn't as effective when just used alone, Stevia or Xylitol made Dapsone a lot more effective.
Again, some of these antiparastics like primaquine may not hit borrelia hard, however it may hit the biofilms hard.
Sheekster said...
I have since switched to Dr J who I believe uses coartem but not primaquine.
Tell him to go over this post, ask Dr. J what he thinks about
primaquine working effectively on biofilms because of penetration (strong half life due to better absorption) and the theory it hits the dormant babesia form in the liver.
Rotating Primaquine/Coartem with other persister cell drugs like Disulfiram or Dapsone or Pyrazinamide may be key!!!
These antiparasitics may bring down the biofilm shield, then hit the dormant persister borrelia persister cells hard with a persister cell antibiotic, even Disulfiram will help wake up the dormant forms and pull out the deeply entrenched bacteria even more.
Girlie said...
Dr. J doesn't include Stevia in his protocols. He prefers Xylitol and Lactoferrin for biofilms.
Thank you for clarifying it girlie, amount of typing, I sometimes forget to clarify what particular biofilm busters Dr. J and Dr. J uses. I still haven't even tried Lactoferrin.
Girlie said...
Does Dr. J use Coartem?
I know with Mepron for Babs, he uses Artemisinin. I know Coartem is similar - but a pharma 'version' with a second med.
(Im not saying he doesn't ....but haven't seen it in anyone's protocols ... yet.)
Problem is, I heard the pharmacies in the US don't even carry coartem in the higher dosages, the standard pills are 20 mg/120 mg.
I got my hands on the 80mg/480mg, talk about
powerful! No matter how much artemisia you take in herbal form, the herbal pills just won't absorb and penetrate as effectively.
Use two dosages of 80mg/480mg Coartem x2 a day, paired up with darparim, talk about
I tried two brands of artemisia herbal formulas over the year, absolutely did nothing for me, no herxing. When I had mixed it with other herbals, a tiny bit, but nothing on the lines of Coartem or Artenulate.
Again, I suspect even if you don't have babesia, Coartem or Artenulate with Daraprim should effectively erradicate biofilms and borrelia persister cells, hitting the heart of the infection.
Then you may be able to eventually trickle off with CBD hemp oil/THC cannabis or disulfiram or dapsone.
Be interesting to rotate a high dosage of coartem take a few days off, then do darparim and dapsone.
I suspect you'll have to find the particular combo that will fit what strain of borrelia or coinfecitons you may have, as before I failed with dapsone, pyrazinamide, and disulfiram. Probably was a stepping stone, but didn't hit the multisystemic infection hard enough.
Coartem and Primaquine drugs were on a level for me.
I honestly believe primaquine may kill borrelia persister cells too, but maybe not. Again gotta rotate these two Coartem and Primaquine to make the protocol effective I believe.
Post Edited (Charlie55) : 3/23/2019 8:09:04 AM (GMT-6)