Kratom is the only thing besides hydrocodone that works for me; not CBD oil, not THC. Since doctors don’t prescribe pain meds anymore in the US because of the false opioid epidemic nonsense (they’re talking about
heroin and fentanyl, and not distinguishing it from pain medication), I have to use Kratom. Make sure you get it from a reliable source.
My best to you!
Bullekideambule said...
The nerve pain drives me totaly crazy.
I can t lay down on my right side because of the weight of my body creates a lot of pain in all my right side...totaly crazy.
My back can t touch anything without makes me cry...
And just my clothes or a blanket on my skin are unbearable...
Lyrica and klonopin are useless...
I think to start BVT as soon as possible, because the ATB don t touch my infections at all...
I already tried a lot of things ( ice, heat, ketamine etc...). But any new idea is welcome !!