Posted 3/26/2019 9:51 AM (GMT -5)
Hello, good folks,
I'm hoping for a group brainstorm about remedies for nerve pain, nerve pinches, and other nervous system issues that come with Lyme and co-infections (beyond treating any underlying infections).
My neurological issues have been increasing recently, and have gone from transient annoyances to my biggest issues. What I used to do - Epsom salt baths, burbur-pinella, and magnesium - no longer are keeping things manageable. I have a new specialist for dysautonomia (POTS and gastroparesis) who has me consuming a great deal of salt and wearing compression stockings, but with my other nervous system issues flaring as well (peripheral neuropathy, nerve pinches in my abdomen, random roving nerve pains) I think I will need more than that to make a difference.
All thoughts welcome! Thanks!