jb1994 said...
Really? Someone else on here said Zeobind was helping them a lot. I don't know if it was being used for mold though. Chlorophyll? Like chlorella? Or are they different? I have aspergillus niger, or I did last I checked. I was taking chlorella for a while but didn't notice anything so I quit. Alright I'll just ask my doctor then. He suggested a couple different ones but I think he said they were like $250 each. Not sure which ones. I'd rather just treat as if.
Zeobind is helping me, but I don’t know exactly what it’s binding. CIRS doctors prescribe Cholestyramine (best) or Welchol (less effective) for binding mold and other biotoxins. When I couldn’t tolerate cholestyramine, the doctor told me to take activated charcoal and modified citrus pectin.
Zeobind and chlorophyllin seem to make me feel better and more stable, whereas I did not notice feeling better with the other binders. Doesn’t mean they don’t work. My mycotoxin test results confirmed something I was doing was helping - either the binders or glutathione/NAC or both.