saraeli said...
I'm sorry that you are feeling particular pressure to get better and stay better reliably right now. I'm sure that stress doesn't help with symptoms. I value that you are a skeptic about treatment and are not one to believe the latest trend without good evidence, and I think it's healthy for those of us with a poorly-understood complex of illnesses like Lyme to feel that way or at least have that voice among us. I tend to distrust new treatments because they usually make me feel worse, and also because my "bullcrap detectors" are much sharper than they used to be pre-Lyme. That said, the research on the placebo effect is staggering, so part of me wishes I had a different attitude!
Yes, being unemployed with soon-to-expire medical benefits and dwindling savings, the pressure to get well and/or get a job is not helping matters. I totally agree with you on the placebo effect and wish I were more of a "believer." Though, I can honestly say, for years, I followed what my conventional and alternative doctors advised and tended to assume the advice was sound and the treatments would work. It was only after years of failed attempts that I became more and more skeptical and jaded. Things like homeopathy never worked for me -- even when I expected them to help. I even watched that dopey movie "The Secret" and gave it the benefit of the doubt. I'm pretty sure the only dreams that came true were for the author of the book and the pseudoscience "experts" in the movie.
saraeli said...
My LLMD says that, in his patients, pharmaceutical antivirals (particularly Acyclovir) are very well-tolerated and generally produce positive results to some degree, since most of us are carrying around at least a few chronic low-level viruses. This makes sense to me especially if one believes that our compromised immune systems don't produce an adequate response to invaders, so every cold and flu we have come in contact with since getting Lyme could still be lingering inside of us unchecked. Personally, I got sick after a month of exposure to coxsackie virus, influenza, and Epstein-Barr virus (for which my titers are still sky-high), which allowed long-dormant Lyme and co-infections to reactivate. I think antivirals make a lot of sense to try, though for me pharmaceutical ones were impossible to tolerate (liver pain and vomiting), but I"m not a typical case of basically anything. I found antiviral herbs much more tolerable. Many things you already have tried in the Restore Kit and perhaps otherwise also have antiviral properties (cat's claw, andrographis, various medicinal mushrooms, olive leaf, monolaurin, etc.).
I'm sorry your particular case has been so atypical and you've had so many challenges. If Mr. Peabody and Sherman were here with their WAYBACK machine, I'd have them transport me back to last January. That's when I resigned from my job. I'd go back on Dr. Rawls' "Restore Kit" and give it at least six months. I'd also have done a better job of managing my sleep/wake cycles, light exposure, food quality, meal timing, and other things. But, no sense fretting about
it now, since I can't change it. Right now, I'm not sure about
going that route, due to time and money. The full "Restore Kit" is four supplements and the Subscribe & Save price is $242.10 per month. But, I've become concerned about
vitamin and mineral supplementation (prefering to use whole foods), so I could drop the multi-vitamin/mineral and the monthly cost for the three remaining products would be $202.50. I could use these in conjunction with the antiviral, I believe, so maybe there would be some synergistic effects. I'd e-mail Vital Plan first to check.
saraeli said...
Have you considered rife, PEMF, or otherwise using frequency-based treatment for both infections and system restoration? Some units (e.g. AmpCoil) have settings for killing specific pathogens as well as for neutralizing the effect of remaining heavy metals and electrical sensitivity.
I'm somewhat familiar with them, but, again, the cost is now a factor. I'm also doubtful of a frequency neutralizing heavy metals -- assuming heavy metals are even an issue. Once again, as you will appreciate, a big part of my frustration is just knowing what's true and what's not. Do I have parasites? Heavy metals? "Toxins"? Without knowing for sure, one can waste value time, energy, money, and hope by chasing things that may or may not exist. There's a lot of "woo" out there. Many ideas, theories, and beliefs, but lacking actual evidence.
saraeli said...
Any chance of mold toxicity? I feel like NN's book Toxic has some great answers for those of us who get to a place of feeling stuck.
It's not something I've tested, but I'm
open to it as a possibility. I do have a mild sinus issue that seems to affect me daily, though not constantly. It started years ago, but has been better and worse, over that time. At times, whenever I eat or drink something -- whether hot or cold, spicy or bland -- my nose will start running. I'll use a tissue or two and I'm fine for a while. Other times, my nose will just start running for no obvious reason -- I'll not be drinking or eating anything. At night, when I go to bed and lay down, I'll get some drainage in my sinuses and throat and have to get up a few times within several minutes and clear the drainage. Then, I seem fine. I'm usually asleep in 30-60 seconds.
saraeli said...
Something else I have found helpful is the DNRS program, which seems super cheesy but is a valuable tool once you make it your own.
Actually, this is something I've wanted to try for a while. I know someone who said they had an older version of the DVDs, so I asked to borrow them. The person later said they couldn't locate the DVDs and may no longer have them. That was a bummer. If I could have made a copy of them, tried them, and found benefit, then I would have bought the current version of the program on DVD, in order to ensure the company gets the revenue. I've just spent so much money on things that haven't worked that I don't want to risk any more money. Have you used the program and found benefit? I think fellow forum member "k07" has the program, but I seem to recall she's not used it much. I may be mistaken. Either way, I've watched many of the testimonials on their website and they're very compelling.
I very much appreciate you sharing your advice and ideas, saraeli. Best wishes to you and yours.