1000Daisies said...
Dude, you know I care! My posts to you have come from the heart!
I have posted a bit of a tough love posts to you previously about you not doing anything. I didn't get a response from my last one. So, I'm reluctant to post here again. But know, again, this is from the heart, and I'm going to try again!
My Dear Daisies. Indeed, I do feel you care and I know your posts are from the heart. I feel we have a lot in common, in that regard. I give some "tough love" to others, too. But, in your case, your posts never feel "tough." So, I appreciate your investing the time in me. You should never feel reluctant to write, though, for fear of troubling me. I did lapse in responding to your previous post, but it wasn't intentional. I'm sorry for letting that slip. I did read it, though. I never subscribe to posts, so I have to rely on memory for which threads to go back and check.
1000Daisies said...
I truly hope you try something. I've said this before, but I understand a LOT of what you are going through and your negativity towards treatments. I also understand analysis paralysis. But I really wish you would work past these issues - and please, try something! Take a step!
For this reason, I think a clinic would be good for you. I feel you have lost your way for quite some time now. A clinic may help you get back on track. At least it's worth a try.
One of the things I've wanted all along is a doctor or clinic to give me a treatment plan, so I could stop thinking about
it and just follow directions. I'm really good about
following a plan. The trick is having the right plan. And, to have the right plan, you first have to find the right doctor or clinic. Herein lies the problem. You know there's a lot of sham doctors and questionable clinics that sell expensive and unproven procedures and remedies. If I were wealthy, I'd buy a motorhome and travel around the country to clinics like Biologix (formerly Hansa), Dr.J in Washington, DC; Dr. H. in upstate NY; etc. I also feel I've lost my way...though I'm not sure I ever had anything figured out in the first place.
1000Daisies said...
I can relate. I felt like I lost my way for one of my kids. I feel I had a lot of the bits and pieces, but I just couldn't seem to put it all together. My son is more complicated in that it isn't as simple as giving him anti-bacterials/anti-virals/anti-whatever. Something is off in his body.
We recently went to a clinic, and we are slowly finding our way again. I am very cautiously optimistic. Before the clinic, I couldn't get him out of bed. Now, several weeks later, he is out of bed, semi-functioning, and a lot of his symptoms are greatly reduced. Don't get me wrong - he is STILL far from well, but the improvement in such a relatively short amount of time is very promising. His clinic/doctor is really good about connecting the dots.
I wish the same for you. Whether it's a clinic or not, I want you to find your path.
That's really encouraging and inspiring about
your son! I hope he continues to improve rapidly and is able to become 150% better. Thank you, too, for the similar wishes in return. Are you able to share anything about
the clinic? If not, I understand. It may be too soon or you many not want to jinx anything.
1000Daisies said...
Trust me - I understand about cost being a serious issue. I won't even begin to tell you hard that has been for me to send my child to an expensive clinic.
However, with no income/job for you, I assume you have retirement savings. If so, I'd consider taking an early withdrawal, take the penalty (10%?), but the taxes you would have to pay would so minimal considering you have no income - so the penalty may not be so bad. Normally, I would never advise taking out of retirement, but sometimes, in certain situations like this, it wouldn't be a bad idea if it meant you could get your health back and if it was your only option. Your health is worth the investment!
Believe me, if I had a 100% assurance that a particular doctor, clinic, or protocol would definitely resolve my issues, I'd have spent the money a couple of years ago. Though my emergency savings is coming to an end, I do have a little money in a retirement account. You make a good point about
the low tax, since my only "income" would be what I would withdraw. Plus, of course, the 10% penalty. If I were younger, this might be more of an appealing offer. But, given my age, tapping those funds will have to be out of an absolute necessity. As in: I'd have to be in imminent risk of being tossed out on the street. Hopefully, it won't come to that. I have at least three friends (in different states) that would offer me temporary housing. Worst case, I might have to rotate a couple of months at each, so I don't wear out my welcome any more than necessary. I better learn to cook...or, recover enough to do chores for them.
1000Daisies said...
Dude, always sending {{{HUGS}}} your way!
Right back at you, doll face! xoxo