Girlie said...
We have lots of members who do think the dna tests are good/reliable.
Galaxy labs for bart IS one of the better ones.
My LLMD doesn’t use testing to determine when treatment is done.
Many llmd’s dont.
Keep an eye on symptoms - and if the last few don’t resolve or you get others returning - act right away.
I have not been treated for Babesia.
I'm currently taking Bicillin, and I'm continuing to have very common lyme symptoms. It feels like I may be having a die off, but I don't know for sure. Today, I'm experiencing head stuffiness and pressure in ears, skin crawls, waves of numbness, crackling neck, muscle twitching and burning, to name a few. From what I understand, my Borrelia Burgdorferi is still active based on my last test.
The first time I took the DNA Connexions, I exercised and sweat before taking my urine sample. It came back with Bartonella. Later, my doc told me that I had a rare strain of Bartonella, but she didn't tell me what it was.
The second DNA Connexions test, I had a massage, and I got a negative result. The massage didn't feel like a deep-tissue massage. My doc said the results of many tests aren't always accurate. So, even after this negative, I continued to have symptoms, so we continued Bart treatment.
Galaxy was the third test. They use blood and do a Culture, Serum and Whole B tests. All came back negative.
My concern is that if the strain I have is rare, maybe they're just not picking it up. I don't know. As we all know, there are way too many variables with lyme.