MedicalNerd said...
So he had huge bulls eye rash strept throat headaches nausea and 1st test was 1 band off from being positive CDC requires bt nurse practitioner was great and said it's positive enough he was given 2 weeks of doxycycline by the 2nd day poor kid had diareah and upset stomach . He's fine now still sweats a lot and complains of chest pain sometimes . We live in CT and almost no docs around here care or want to talk about Lyme wouldn't give us time of the day so we r starting natural herb treatment t to make sure
Did he take the doxy with food? That can make it easier on the tummy.
I'm glad he's getting more treatment because 2 weeks isn't long enough.
There is the Pediatric LLMD RJ in CT. in case you decide to go the abx route again. He may have a long waitlist though.
And I believe there is a pediatric NP at Dr. J clinic in DC.
just a couple of options if you end up wanting a LLMD.