Lapis_29 said...
a scientific experiment done by grade schoolers is not proof of anything, come on now.
I mean if we all die from cel phones, I guess we all die then. I'm not worrying about it, but feel free to add this onto to all the other sht lyme patients need to deal with if that what you want to do. Personally I think we have enough on our plates to deal with as it is.
What are you going to do? Move to desert island in the middle of the Pacific?
You looked at one example and dismissed all the rest of the evidence I proposed, even the Doctor Jon West who thinks storing a cell phone next to the breast for an extended time could cause cancer. Again, as the Doctor and video explained, it's too soon to "have collected sufficient number of cases to prove beyond to a shadow of a doubt that the cell phones are causing the cancer." said...
What are you going to do? Move to desert island in the middle of the Pacific?
Bring awareness to these topics so people become educated, just like Kris Newby did with her documentary Under Our Skin and her book Bitten. There were lyme patients that always said complaining about
the biowarfare side of this disease would never amount to anything, it would never benefit chronic lyme patients in any way. But you see now, this has become the most popular topic in Lyme History ever, it's been covered by every news media outlet. bringing awareness to the farmer's cancer cases of glyphosate, now the herbicide has to give a warning on its label and also be classified as a carcinogen. Now more people are aware how bad the herbicide is, even me, I've stopped eating processed grain and eat more healthy meat and vegetables, so have a lot of other people. Now I suspect both farmers and even Monsanto may have to eventually drop the herbicide.
This is how it works Lapis_29, I'm sorry you come from an ideology thinking you can't do anything about
it. There's always something you can do about
it, but hey, maybe this is why we're in this predicament because many people feel they can never do anything about
it. Again, if cell phones are causing cancer when left for long periods against your skin or body in general, a smart thing to do would not put it in your bra or even in your pocket or next to your bed for long periods of time. Just sharing this info or a video like this with a young girl who keeps a phone against her breast and isn't educated as much as Doctor Jon West on the issue, a video like this could be an eye
opener and life saver for a young girl since it's coming from an actual
Doctor with a
phd. said...
I'm not worrying about it, but feel free to add this onto to all the other sht lyme patients need to deal with if that what you want to do.
And by the way, you do release there are Lyme Literate Doctors out there with degrees who think that electromagnetic waves could be making borrelia spirochetes more aggressive. I'm not sure if I believe in this theory, but it may not be so far off considering bacteria communicates by electrical signals and radio waves. lyme patients even believe this and the use of rife machines in a similar matter can break down spircohetes and kill them. While I'm skeptic something like rife will cure a lyme patient, I still like keeping an
open mind on these things and not completely close minded like Wormser, Shapiro, and Steere. Why? Because we're still learning things about
bacteria and even the spirochetal bacteria of borrelia. People that already have their minds made up, are the one's being non-scientific. Even though I've criticized Dr. Klinghardt and Stephen Buhner in the past, I'd trust them more than these governmental CDC/IDSA doctors who have conflicts of interest from big pharma, insurance companies, and vaccine companies. But hey, their may be a national security aspect to it as well why they deny persister cell/biofilm science and flat out lie about
chronic lyme disease side considering the recent revelations in the news. a thought Lapis_29, maybe you should start doing a little more research considering the simple conclusions you made about
5g just because you're trying to make yourself feel better and not have to worry about
it, it may save your life one day... I wouldn't be putting 100% sole trust in the scientists and doctors in the FCC, FDA, and CDC who have conflicts of interest from corporations due to lobbying. Learn what we've learned from glyphosate and chronic lyme, then apply it to 5g. I'm not saying 5g can't be safe, I'm sure it is for the most part, but if you're laying an electronic directly to your breast that's emitting small electromagnetic radiation signals, doing this on a every day basis, probably not going to lead to anything good, just a hunch!
Post Edited (Charlie55) : 7/19/2019 6:33:52 PM (GMT-6)