MedicalNerd said...
Blood tests for tick bite testing r useless. I would think a spinal tap looking at cerebral spinal fluid would be a lot more helpful?
So you don't have a diagnosis of lyme yet?
re: spinal fluid. It's hit or miss. i wouldn't do a spinal tap unless there was a necessity.
Blood tests for diagnosing lyme aren't useless. They're not the best...but they're worth a try to back up a clinical diagnosis...or if you don't have a clinical diagnosis yet.
For $250 you can get the Igenex Lyme WB IgM and IgG. maybe worth a try.
Edit: I read an older post of yours'. and you did have lyme bands show up. So, you're wondering if you have bartonella as well?
Is that your question?
"So I came out positive for bands 39, 41 and 42 if not mistaken for igm bt only one or none for the igg ."
Band 39 specific to lyme...41 "almost" specific to lyme.