Girlie said...
Congratulations on doing so well !
I think the minimum time for bart treatment is 4-6 months. But many (most?) people need to treat longer.
I have been pulsing my abx since going to the J clinic...that is how 'they' do it there. But, they give you a combination of more than 2 meds to pulse.
Question: You mentioned your wife being pregnant....will you be testing the baby's cord when born?
(that's the best way to test a newborn for lyme)
(lyme is thought to be passed on via sexual contact and also inutero)
Thank you! We conceived the baby via In Vitro but have no plans to test the cord - I will keep it in mind though. How do you go about
getting a test of the cord done?
I have been negative for lyme via every possible test I could have (Igenix, MDL, standard western blot, ELISA, C6 peptide) for well over a year now so I am fairly confident that we are safe but I’ll keep it in mind.
When you say 4-6 months, is this basically following the same theory as Babesia treatment revolving around RBC lifespan (ie, RBC life cycle is 120 days average so you should treat for a minimum of 120 days/4 months)?