I think huge part of treating this disease is the infection of course, but there's times where you may have to use supplements to fight the autoimmunity/inflammation to help restore the balance in your body. Even take a break from antibiotics, even if it's a maintenance protocol, as antibiotics can do damage to mitochondria, liver, kidneys, also possibly your thyroid. A good 1 month break or 2 month break may be worth it, maybe even longer. Or rather just go on herbs instead of antibiotics, because they're just easier on your body and a lot less side effects. And then when you feel a lot better, then try hitting the chronic infection gain with antibiotics. It's hard for me to remember if you've taken a break off antibiotics lately?
Even at 8 years of treating this disease, I go out for a run on the sidewalk and I still deal with swelling in the spine and brain. Sucks...
I feel that our bodies aren't just trying to fight the chronic infection off, but dealing with this onslaught of inflammation and swelling, it can last for years... For me CBD oil was a god send, I know you said it didn't work much for you, but you maybe want to try a different brand again with a different formula, I know some CBD oils even have turmeric in them. I know some swear by turmeric/curcumin and fish oil.
Sometimes it's just a waiting game Girlie, allowing your body to repair itself while at the same time fighting off the persister cells, biofilms, and coinfections with time.
So you've been in treatment about
5 years now... Seems like a very long time I know, but there's many who have been treating for 10 years, 15 years, etc... I hate to bring this up, but I think you have to get your mind on accepting dealing with this disease longterm, while still keeping a positive mindset of one day at a time.
Just grateful to hear you got out swimming in the lake Girlie, my suspicion is that could of brought down the swelling, as well as soaking up vitamin d from the sun and breathing in fresh oxygen. While I think lyme patients curing themselves with something like the Wim Hof method is a long stretch, without a doubt there may be something to the cold water therapy for inflammation, autoimmunity, and even the infection itself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgxjb46mbmoPost Edited (Charlie55) : 7/29/2019 3:13:13 AM (GMT-6)