The last few posts here are interesting and got me thinking. At this point, I still can’t imagine recovering because of all the complications I have with mold illness and being so toxic and sensitive.
My living situation has not been ideal the whole time I have tried to treat. I am trying to change that now, but only God knows how successful that will be. I have hope. I just can’t picture it yet.
If I were totally honest, I would say that except for brief moments of sobering reflection, I have been in denial about
how bad off I really am. For the longest time, I considered my case pretty mild compared to others because I wasn’t bed bound, home bound, or chair bound.
There were chunks of time that I could barely walk and had to ride a motorized cart in the grocery store. Still, I was upright. I no longer had the ANS symptoms I had a few years ago. I was still working and trudging through life when most of my worst symptoms were going on, and I still didn’t have any answers. My cognitive problems were increasing, though, and it was taking its toll on my work performance.
What really put me in disability, though, was when the mold and chemical sensitivities went over the top, and I could no longer tolerate being in most buildings and reacted to fragrance everywhere. The fragrance sensitivities had already increased while I was still working in the office.
Now, three years after getting away from my home and office buildings and 2.5 years after having to retire on disability, I am even worse off mainly due to worsening mold and chemical sensitivities. The reason?? Increasing exposure to mold in the place I moved to.
Like jb, I have never been 100% healthy, although there were sporadic periods in my life when I felt healthier and was sick less frequently - ages 9-15 and early 30’s.
If I have always had bart, babs, or Lyme (any one or combination) like I suspect, and I made a complete recovery from all the infections and the sensitivities and gut dysfunction, then I would expect to feel better than I ever have in my life, even though I am almost 50. I don’t think that’s an understatement, as I have read of others who have felt better in their 50’s after recovering from all this than they felt when much younger.
I think most of those people were also very athletic after recovery. I have never been athletic. I could not run, had muscle fatigue and shortness of breath out of comparison to my peers all of my life. In my adult life, I thought it was my fault because I was just out of shape and didn’t exercise enough. I didn’t realize something really was wrong. I could walk, but aerobics, running, anything fast or working the whole body was undoable for me. I now understand it has to do with cells not getting enough oxygen or something like that. I wish there was a valid test for that.
If all those abnormalities in my body were corrected, I imagine I would naturally become athletic as a result. Thing is, I think that much more is required to get that level of healing than just treating infections until they’re gone. Since I have no athletic background and can’t even really comprehend a lot of the posts related to correcting those abnormalities, it would probably take an act of God for me to achieve all that.
Which brings me back to the point of treatment. I simply haven’t done enough. I have only been surviving and maintaining while waiting for my living situation to change. Only time will tell. I hope at some point to get serious about
overcoming this and find whatever it takes. With God, all things are possible. That I know.
Post Edited (WalkingbyFaith) : 8/26/2019 7:43:06 AM (GMT-6)