Posted 8/19/2019 6:44 AM (GMT -5)
We have the best chance, since the Lyme epidemic began half a century ago, to end the suffering.
The fact that the Pentagon is now forced to account for its tick-borne disease work, conducted under incredibly negligent conditions, opens the door to the millions of victims now being allowed to have proper diagnosis and treatment.
But while the coverup is now being blown open in the USA, in Britain and other countries it's "business as usual".
Some patients' group leaders are to blame. For example, in Britain, the self-appointed leaders of the Lyme movement have viciously suppressed any talk of the biowarfare coverup for years - stopping our only chance of ending it.
I have been trying to expose it for years - and have experienced death threats, countless hackings, two failed attempts to imprison me, break-ins at my and my friends' homes where our computers were tampered with, and more.
I am currently locked out of nearly every website, blog or other online account I own.
We have a choice - we can fight for an end to the coverup...or we can continue to suffer for the next 50 years.
Kris Newby, whose book sparked off the furore that led to the Pentagon now being forced to account for itself, says she is afraid of violence from fellow patients for raising the biowarfare issue.
That's truly sad.
Elena Cook