JovaLyme said...
Girlie said...
JovaLyme said...
Girlie said...
Jovalyme - I've had monthly tests done for 1 1/2 years with this clinic...and prior it was monthly with my previous LLND.
If something is out of range...then a repeat test is done....
1-2 weekly testing - really is overkill - i do not want to be going to the lab every week or two.
But most importantly, I can't get them done with their lab regular Dr. (here in Canada) has to rewrite the order. This Dr. I have is prob the only one in my city who would be this supportive of my lyme diagnosis and treatment. She's a gem.
But, not sure she will be 'on board' with all these additional tests - and every 1-2 weeks?
I don't want to put any more added pressure on her.....if she gets fed up...I'm hooped.
I hear what you're saying. Testing weekly is probably a little too much and, dare I say, quite costly?
I would like to ask my doctor for a monthly or quarterly one, which would be a great help and probably about
right. It must be hugely helpful to know what you are up against though. I have absolutely no idea what my present situation is.
I had some routine blood drawn when I went to the emergency department a few weeks ago, but after waiting 7 hours and still not seeing a doctor, I gave up and left, so I will never know what the blood results were. It was 4am at that point and I'd had more than enough. I've had enough of the NHS in general to be honest.
Think yourself lucky you live in Canada. You sure wouldn't get that kind of testing done here that's for sure. Well, you might if you were a multi-milionaire or something.
It's not costly - because most of it's free...except for the non - common magnesium...I'll have to pay a private lab for that.
But because it's free - then a lot of the docs won't give you all the tests that you want. They act like it's coming out of their pockets....
My Doc has been wonderful...I really don't want to ask her for lab req for tests every 1-2 weeks.....I feel this is going to strain our relationship somewhat. Plus - my arm will be a pin cushion...jeez!================================================================================
I'm not really familiar with the Canadian healthcare system, but I imagine it's almost certainly better than ours. I'd probably have to be almost dead to get those tests done and even then I'd probably have to get a court order, write to my local MP and then wait 6 months for the results!
Yeah, I guess doctors are quite busy people and it might be pushing your luck a little to ask for tests that frequently.======================================================================================
Well, our healthcare is free....but I think the U.S. of A have some of the best surgeons and specialists in their fields.
Ours' is free. Not sure if it's better though.
she will just have to rewrite the lab order....but she might think it's overkill for all of them...and it's her 'name' on the lab req .
I just talked to someone from the J clinic...and told her I couldn't get ammonia done until I'm back at DC and she said it was fine.
I also said I can't do the others' every 2 weeks...and she said monthly would be fine...she could hear I was on the verge of tears.....I'm not sure why I was so upset....but it she kept telling me to do what I can and not to
So, I'll take a look at them....maybe get some of them done just once - like that magnesium, sodium, total protein.
For monthly labs, I will do what I've been doing and add on glucose, bilirubin, and a few others
Anyone reading this - do you get these ones done? And why are they important?
- Ca+
- Na+
- Cl+
- Co2
- total protein
- k+
I'm thinking Ca - is Calcium; Na is Sodium, Cl - is that Chloride? Co2 - carbon dioxide - why that one?
And why total protein?
K+ that's potassium, right?