jolaleye121 said...
Eventually, you get a feel for who's going to accept the reality of the illness and who isn't. There seems to be a lack of courage amongst a lot of these doctors (considering the good folks who have actually tried to help have been sued into oblivion.) It's far easier to just fob you off and continue to collect their paycheck. If you find that after trying to explain once or twice, I'd recommend you find another doctor. A hassle I know but nothing regarding this disease is easy - by design... Excuse the cynicism but this illness has been neglected - deliberately - for nearly 5 years now, one just has to have the will to not give up.
Yeah, I think you're right that some people just aren't
open to considering new evidence. It was clear with 90 seconds that the guy I saw today wasn't going to listen.
Btw, just saw you have a pretty similar post. Being told you have PTLDS is definitely a form of gaslighting...