I am really at a road block.
I literally don't know if I am battling issues with Lyme or Candida. I have had issues with Candida in the past, but this time it is really confusing me. Is there any approach any of you would take to try to help me figure it out? I pretty much cannot tell if the majority of my reactions are Herx reactions or if they are an increase in Candida symptoms.
I have calcification of my shoulder. That is a problem regardless, now whether the lyme or candida is making it worse or if it is throwing off my immune system resulting in lyme/candida symptoms is my concern. I basically will not know the answer until I clear out the calcification that is there. If I have it surgically removed (which I am trying to avoid), then maybe the lyme/candida issues will subside. My belief is that so as long as the calcification is there, it is throwing off my shoulder positioning and causing inflammation and nothing will get resolved until I take care of it.
My question to you is - how can I tell if its lyme or candida? I figured a trial of treatment would help me figure it out, but it is leaving me even more confused. A few weeks ago I decided to take doxycycline (have not taken it since 2014). I figured, well, if its lyme, something will happen, right? Nothing. I took it for about
10 days. No reaction whatsoever. I am being reserved about
how long I took the doxy, bc if it is Candida, all I am doing is making it worse!
Now, after the doxy course, I decided to take a week of diflucan, incase it was candida, at least I would help prevent it from getting worse. Well i herxed terribly (and I am sure it was a herx). The only reason why I am still not completely convinced it is Candida is bc I read that diflucan also acts as a cyst buster for lyme. So I am in this never ending circle.
As far as my symptoms go, they are all so similar to when I was sick with lyme. However, I am fully aware that Candida can cause many of the same symptoms. They include tingling in my arms, GI probs (I have had that for years - basically atypical reflux), coldness on my cheeks on occasion, tons of muscle twitches and sharp nerve pains here and there, my shoulder and my upper neck muscles are all inflammed and they constantly feel like they were pulled, I am pulling my calf muscles alot (especially if I forget to take CoQ 10), headaches, and issues with my tongue (my papillae get inflamed in the same spot all of the time - at the tip), and I do get sores inside my mouth now and again. candida I know causes thrush (which I have), but not so much this other stuff like on my tongue.
Some other observations, whenever I take diflucan, my headaches go away. Whenever I take any other antibiotic or herb, I get headaches if I remain on them for too long. (most especially augmentin). During the entire 8 months I treated lyme and Bart back in 2014, i never once had a headache. I just recently decided to try Augmentin to see what would happen, bc when I took it in the spring for an upper respiratory infection, my shoulder actually improved. And lastly, my eyesight has worsened. While on augmentin, I have been herxing mildly, my ears have been getting clogged (all of a sudden I can't hear well - I have a hearing impairment to begin with - and when that happens, I take my hearing aids out and my ears are all damp inside, its so weird), and I am getting tremendous headaches.
So I got the steroid shot just bc my shoulder pain was unbearable. It helped a little, but not much. The only pain medicine that helps me is Excedrin. Also, when I had the MRI of my shoulder done this past friday, to rule out any possible tears, I herxed during the MRI, my shoulder hurt terribly during it, and afterwards my tooh with a crown was killing me. Totally weird!
All of my problems and pain are on my right side, so I suspected Bart, but honestly, I don't know anymore.......
I reached out to Pirouette, who seems to be the expert, but she hasn't returned my 2 emails I have written over the past few months.
If any of you have any insight to share, I would sincerely appreciate it, thanks! I thought I had a handle on this, but my head is spinning in all directions....
Thanks again,
Post Edited (Chapelle) : 10/7/2019 8:43:48 PM (GMT-6)