Its obviously pretty depressing to not be able to do things you once were good at and took for granted. My SI joint hit an all time pain height in 2005, the tension was building up for years up to that point. Then it felt like a deep knife into my upper tail bone. Of course I was also ill with the array of lyme symptoms - not knowing what was going on, same story as many here.
My first rehab for that was a lot of the floor exercises your mentioning - a lot of "bridging" too. And non stop chiro hip / SI adjustments that would not hold for long, but did offer relief. It got better but It was easy to go backwards from working out or too much cycling, walking, hiking ect. - which wasn't too much for "normal" people.
Like you said, working out became a painful chore. And the stumbling and tripping you mention, from a "lazy" leg not working right or just the hip pain. It was crazy.
By 2010 It was better yet, but still not right. Herxing in 2015, I could not ride a bike at all from hip issues and general all over body pain.
Last three years I vastly improved, but this now is just on a whole new level it seems , like I broke thru another barrier which was holding me back.
This afternoon, during my snow hike down along the creek, I did a little snow jogging in small field before the forest, and yes, my hips and movement do feel different without that range of motion limitation. Ill have to play it by ear as the muscles redevelop correctly. My left tight foot is 90% better, now my right knee feels different, "free-er". My right leg was sometimes shorter, and now it much closer. Had a lift in my right shoe since 2005.
If we get deep snow again this year (so far yes), and not to cold, I plan to snowshoe more, it does wonders for the hips as each step is different in any snow more than 8".
Just wish I were younger. Lyme steals time from us in a big way. My 40's pretty much completely sucked thanks to clueless western medicine. How did modern western medicine ever become the norm? What a waste.
Good to hear your improving too logmoss. Like the odd name. Reminds me of some close-up lichen/moss photos I took on fallen birch logs in the woods. Always found nature quite amusing.
Post Edited (astroman) : 12/14/2019 11:51:56 PM (GMT-7)