Posted 12/13/2019 3:03 PM (GMT -5)
dcd - I have read the other long thread you started about autoimmune. Looking at different trains of thought are educating, and I learned a lot from your posts, as well as others.
What is mentioned about autoimmune as part of the cold hands and feet/body makes sense for all three you hit on - viral, bacterial and autoimmune. That is what makes it confusing as I have all three happening. There is no doubt about autoimmune because of vitiligo I am experiencing. EBV is just as sure as IgM and IgGs continue to stay high. Recent Lyme tests showed positive on band 23 and 41.
I've also wondered if the vagus nerve is causing syptoms, which fits the autonomic nervous symptoms. Something, recently, created an improvement for about 5-6 days then went back after pushing a little too much in yard. So that leads me to consider if the immune system can create problems with any of the things you mention.
There are a lot of people I have communicated with dealing with Lyme that have similar symptoms (cold hands and feet, fatigue, anxiety, especially in morning). How to treat is the big unknown. Had thought monolaurin was helping, along with rife. I still have a lot to learn about rife, so it could still help. But knowing which areas to concentrate on (viral, bacterial, autoimmune) is confusing. Throw in kidney concerns, and it takes out a lot of possible treatments.
That is what makes the posts about autoimmune/antibiotics/other treatments so interesting.