Why were you tested for it? Were these stool samples you had tested? Urine? Are you having symptoms of some sort - diarrhea, fever, UTI?
Many strains of E. coli are found in the human gut in harmless amounts as part of the regular flora, sometimes people have pathogenic strains and amounts but still have no symptoms, and other times the bacteria mistakenly invade the urinary tract and cause a UTI. Usually people without symptoms are not treated, and often even people with symptoms are treated only with supportive care (e.g fluids).
I think most UTIs would be treated with pharmaceutical antibiotics, but personally I would try D-mannose, anamu, and cranberry first for a UTI because pharmaceutical antibiotics are such a nightmare for me.
For E. coli n the gut, I would take black walnut, berberine, olive leaf, artemisinin, and wormwood, along with probiotics, and binders - at different times of the day.
If you have a high fever or uncontrolled diarrhea, then I would take pharmaceutical antibiotics and IV fluids, but I'm guessing if you had a high fever and uncontrolled diarrhea, then you would be at the ER and not on the forum.