I think the reason why some dont get better is because each tick has different viruses and bacteria in it and they cant always figure out what they are much less how to heal them/ I have been getting sicker and sicker for 6 years.
I feel I am suffocaitng all the time. Whatever tick infeciton I have has gotten into my electrical nerve system so my nerves and muscles in my respiratory system are squeezed all the time. I am also depleted exhausted weak and sick.,
It is hell.
I did 9 month of antibiotics at first- and then have tried various herbs. A buch of different dr's bbut no one protocol. I stayed on some for months., I tried magnet therapy. And last 5 months a new dr sho has helped others with lyme and didnt seem to htink lyme was my isse. but I think it is, Not lyme but some tick illness maybe a rare one.
My next try will be chinese medicine. I am going to see someone new next week.
The problem is, if it doesnt work- I know I need to get this infection out of my body it has taken me over. But I dont know what it is nor how to figure it out. I ahve had so many blood tests. But actually not co infection igenex ones. My veins are tired of giving blood too
I am so sick and have this one step but after that if it doesnt help I feel like I am goign to suffocate to death.
any ideas?