saraeli said...
Testing in the US is appallingly minimal. There are people with viral pneumonia and high fevers who do not qualify for tests because the pneumonia isn't severe enough and they still can breathe enough not to require hospitalization. It's shameful. My point is that lots of us have had this, and we just have no way of knowing.
In February, an illness made its way through my family, each of us two weeks apart, which is longer than the incubation period of a cold or flu. My partner had a sudden high fever, mild diarrhea, widespread aches, and a massive cold sore outbreak. My child had a scratchy throat for a few days followed by sudden fever, chills, mild diarrhea, and loss of sense of smell. I had a sore throat for a few days followed by fever, mild sinus issues, aches, shortness of breath, and chest pain so bad I went to my bodyworker because I thought my ribs were dislocated. None of us had a cough, but I very much wonder if we had COVID-19.
For what it's worth, it took me a few weeks but I recovered fine, and I have a pretty gnarly history with post-viral syndromes, so that was a relief.
I wish we could know for sure. I know so many people who have been sick lately, and almost all have been refused tests, even with known exposure to confirmed cases. I would love to find out that I already have had it so that I could stop worrying, buy groceries, help others, or even volunteer at a hospital!
This is great to hear, Saraeli. That you all recovered normally, that is =)