Posted 4/28/2020 7:11 PM (GMT -5)
Hi, Woodduck!
What you have going on (MCAS, mold, Bartonella) is all covered in the book Toxic by Neil Nathan, and he offers a somewhat different set of recommendations. (Might be worth checking the book out if you have not already. I found it immensely helpful.) He also encourages going extremely slowly and avoiding herxing and other kinds of destabilization if possible.
Are you planning to take anything else in addition to the drugs mentioned - probiotics, binders, etc.? No need to use a protocol that you don't feel comfortable with when there are alternatives! Knowing how different each case is, most LLMDs are pretty flexible if there's an aspect of the protocol you don't want to try - maybe just bring up your concerns with your doctor?
I definitely understand about not wanting to have tests done right now because of COVID. I'm sure any LLMD would want lots of testing done, which makes sense, but will your doctor not start treating you until after testing? Or are you going ahead with the aforementioned protocol regardless?
Are you still being exposed to mold?
I hope you feel good about your appointment and that the path you are on yields progress for you!