trekkar said...
Erhlicea is the only positive i got ever and that was from that cali lab cant rember the name, my 2 main symptoms are chest tightness and high heart rate with very little exertion also a dull ache always in the center of my chest. DR J's babs protocol got my air hunger to about 80-85% from like 30%. Now the bart protocol has me doing slightly more physical work. He never mentioned anything specific for erhlicea i just assumed the babs and bart would hit it too.
do you think you only have elrichia? the chest tightness and high heart rate are some of my main symptoms too--- but I also have a squeezing pressure feeling in my chest and diaphragm. I am currently one week into an herbal protocol guided by a good herbalist that is supposed to go after bart babesia and elrichia so we will see.
I never thought about
elrichia till it came up positive on my dna connexions test but it may be a big factor for me.