Woodduck12 said...
I have been on Clarithomicy for approximately 3 weeks and intrusions are really bad. I am trying to titer up but can't seems to get to a tolerable dose. I have been having these intrusive thoughts and urges to harm my self and others, Is this Herxing?
2) Biaxin is Monotherapy can it cause psych herxing? I thought it doesn't cross the BBB well?
3) I am supposed to start Ceftin with the Clarotho. Is Ceftin a hard herxing ABX? My LLMD said I will feel better on Ceftin.
3)Is Claritho effective for ALL the B's ?
4) I have done 3 yrs of herbals and had my fair share of herxes but not like this. Can I stop treatment to find my baseline or should I push through?
What was your worst month of herxing?
Current Supplement list
Biaxin 2x 500mg
8mg inositol powder
1000mg NAC
Alkazeltzer Gold / Vitiman C and Lime juice
Chorella With Bragss Apple cider Vinegar
100mg coq10
Marty Ross Glutathione coming in the mail
Activated Charcoal'
T thinking of buying BURBUR/ PINELLA
Don't know what else to do? Before ABX treatment I stopped all herbals and focused on my gut and I did noticed better days and had more optimism. I still had Intrusions but not to this degree. Sometimes I want to just see a SSRI would work. My cognition has been a lot better for herbals. It took three years to get it back but I can type faster, think better, and do not need to search for words as much. My final nail in this is going to be ridding my self of these intrusions.
It certainly could be herxing - the timing is right.
Biaxin isn’t the best antibiotic for penetrating blood/brain barrier but I think it does somewhat...
I believe Ceftin is better for b/b barrier penetration.
I’ve not found Ceftin to be too harsh.
Biaxin is a good lyme antibiotic and also good for bart when combined with something else like Rifampin or Rifabutin.
For Babesia, you will need an antimalarial - Mepron or malarone are generally used.
Alinia, Artesunate, Clindamycin may also kill Babs.
If it’s bad - DO NOT push through.
I pushed through with my bart/Persisters protocol once and took my last dose of the cycle on the Friday night even though I was starting to feel bad late afternoon.
I almost went to the hospital - my arms started jerking, my temp was high , my heart rate was high, and my body and head hurt.
I was scared - and my husband was worried too - he called in sick the next morning - didn’t want to leave me alone.
So please don’t push through if it’s getting bad...