CalmLittleBuddha said...
Hi everyone, I recently saw a new neuropath who told me that my vitamin B12 (375) and ferritin (13) levels were both very low. I have been feeling pretty bad lately, worsening depersonalization and emotional instability and I was hoping for some quick relief but she said that she wants to focus on fixing my basic issues before getting into my more complex ones. Could these levels make me feel this bad? I know she mentioned that with these numbers being so low it is almost like I have no brain, so maybe brining them up will help but she also said that it will take probably six months to reach a normal level. Thank you for your help!
I know when my Ferritin is that low I have ALL of the symptoms of anemia, including the urge to chew ice because my tongue gets really sore. Even if your hemoglobin levels are normal you are technically iron-deficient. Low Ferritin also affects my mood, I get really grumpy over everything, and obviously exhausted.