Dmitry said...
I'd question that coconut oil is a good fat - for example lauric acid downregulates interferon gamma - the cytokine which motivates CD8 cells to perform cysts lysis.
All talks about "healthy fats" feel like a pseudo science(without solid backup - just superficial reasoning).
I know what you mean.
here, I am talking about
healthy fats in terms of fats that are not industrial seed oils.
these have been shown to be inflammatory - plenty of scientific sources for that - and I think everyone will have to make their own mind up on how much fat to eat and of what sorts.
the thing I find about
this type of thing is that every substance you can eat has multiple or in fact many many measurable effects in the body.
if I were to look I could find a reason not to eat every single food in my diet.
instead, what I think matters is the balance of these effects - on your particular body.
to know that you would need the scientifically proven information on the relative magnitude of each of these effects inside human beings - and unfortunately, that is simply not available
We would still then have to interpret how that interacts with your genetics and current biological state - again not available.
so while I think we can take some general rules that apply across the board - eg processed foods are generally not the best for you.
but when it comes to a very specific effect of one food component on one particular subset of white blood cells - with incomplete information on the balance of good/bad effects n the rest of the system i think we need to be a little more circumspect.