Posted 9/24/2020 3:53 AM (GMT -5)
in my experience, short sharp strong herbal treatments for Lyme just make me v ill.
I wish it wasn't that way, as like many others I have been so keen to get my life back i have been willing to tolerate just about anything if it gets me better, but have tried several times with all the herbs you mention in different combinations with the same result.
of course, your mileage may vary.
my conclusions are that long and slow working with your immune system is the only way ( for me at least (i hope it is different for you of course )
i am aware of the studies in the lab that show things like cryptolepis and black walnut can kill Lyme spirochetes in a petri dish -however, experience has shown my body simply cannot tolerate the doses needed to do that in the short term without hospitalizing myself.
also if you do a short sharp treatment with many herbs together you lose the ability to understand which herbs effects you in what way and therefore which are helping and which are simply making you ill or feedback on how to dose each one.
this has been very important to me in guiding my own herbal treatment.
disulfiram is challenging for most people and if it were me I would not want to start that already feeling ill and have difficulty understanding whether its the disulfiram or one of the herbs etc.
i know it may not be what you want to hear, as i have been there myself and want to just hit this thing hard and be done with it - but for most that just isn't the way recovery from Lyme works ( if you have had it for 6montsh or more anyway).
wanted to pass on my experiences