yep - i tried it twice - once for 4 weeks as that is generally often thought to be enough -
it wasn't - but for just a few days afterwards, i did feel much better. this did not last.
so i concluded i just needed to go harder, longer and more thorough and put together a very comprehensive protocol - with many elements following the most rigorous approach on sites like Chris Kresser etc
a whole bunch of antimicrobials, motility aids, gut-healing aids etc etc
my partner and I both did it - originally targetting 6-8 weeks or for as long as it took till we felt better - as thats when they say you will know you have done enough - but after 12 weeks we still didn't feel better - we had herxed the whole time. it was v tough.
so we stopped - my partner felt much better in the next 2 weeks - even started doing some short runs ( had been difficult to walk far while treating ).
but that was in the 2 weeks after stopping antimicrobials - and our diet was unintentionally Ketogenic - mainly meat as we had started very safe and then very gradually added small amounts of other stuff back.
turns out Keto works really well for my partner - because around a year later in desperation she opted for a fully ketogenic diet and her energy doubled within a few days and she started running 2-3miles - whereas before walking even 1 mile was hard.
again we fell back. says she thinks she got some mild lasting benefit from it.
I felt a bit better but hammered by the treatment. nothing lasting.
these are some of the experiences that have lead me to my current course -
a long term approach attempting to build and modulate the immune system with herbs and diet and lifestyle - and when i think i am strong enough adding in systemic anti-microbials for co-infections Bart, mycoplasma etc
but going low and slow - as all short sharp treatments for me have just lead to unbearable herx and then relapse.
progress is slow but significant - i can walk further - faster and do more in each day - around double what I could do 1 year ago
Post Edited (Garzie) : 10/5/2020 1:56:34 PM (GMT-6)