astroman said...
Many here in the past had that..........not here anymore.
I had it bad, sounded like gravel in a plastic bucket. And would bind up and release making a snap sound.
Neck issues are not just neck- the muscles go down your back annd up your head. And its tight muscles making the tension pulling down hard on the vertebrae- even sideways in some places.
My neck is pretty good now.
People always try to pinpoint a certain tick illness with certain body parts/areas- they are usually guessing.
I took wide range of antibiotics and only a few herbs.......better now. I also had a lot of muscle release done on me by HONEST chiropractors vs the QUACKS who use scare tactics to get your money. I eventual learned several forms of muscle release , some that go by trademarked names.
That's exactly wt it sounds like gravel in a bucket then a loud snap ppl can hear it across the room. I'm guessing bart or idk. I did a biofeedback machine whatev once with Dr. M and It read that I had rickettsia not lyme at.the time I was surprised and didn't know wt rickettsia even was bk then . If u look it up there's not much info on wt herbs to use for rickettsia I hv lyme and co infections book 1st edition by buhner bt no luck. My bones sound like the tin man frm wizard of oz low grinding sound as I slowly move