ElDuderino said...
Seeking a sound diagnostic approach.
1 year of phantom come and go pains. Started with 10 days of fever. Months later in came the sharp and strange pain:
Heels, ribs, neck, throat, shins.
Suspect Lyme/Bart
1st appointment with LLMD next week.
Goal: to figure out what tests can find what I have. I don’t care if I have to buy more than one test. I just want to know what’s bugging me so I can do that correct treatment.
Feel free to refer me to a link if there is already a centralized thread summarizing testing.
I suggest you get a lyme test - you can get a lyme WB IgM and IgG for $250
Often the coinfections (Bartonella, Babesia, etc) are clinically diagnosed based on signs and symptoms and your response to certain medications.
You can get the lyme test first and take results to a LLMD or LLND OR schedule an appt with one and have then suggest the tests needed