Posted 12/21/2020 2:20 AM (GMT -5)
I use some hybrid waterproof Columbia snow hiker boots, best outdoor gear purchase I ever made. Waterproof, lightweight, warm, flexible toes, firmer arch, $110 at Dicks sporting goods. They are about one foot tall on my size thirteen foot. Any deeper than that and its hard to run. I use them for clearing the driveway and snow hiking too. Dont hardly even use my clunky Sorel snow boots anymore.
I just sprint in a big ball park, where I wont be stepping in hidden holes and im not going far. If its drifted, I also can use my snowshoe gators - cheap $25 ones. And windpants with silicon spray treatment, with modern lightweight long underwear underneath. Gortex pants, or snow-pants are to hard to run in, made for walking.