Clledl3 said...
Hello all! This is my first post, though I’ve sick 3.5 years. My life changed in June 2017 and hasn’t been the same since, I’m sure you can all relate.
I have Gilbert’s (“benign” liver condition causing elevated bilirubin) as well and was diagnosed with POTS 2 years ago. My POTS symptoms have gotten worse and are especially terrible right now, I don’t have a cardiologist, but do have a LLMD.
My question is, does anyone else here also have Gilbert’s and POTS? If so, what tips and tricks do you recommend?
I’ve had many, many ups and downs the last 3.5 years and am currently in another very low point, I believe exacerbated by the heavy antibiotics. I had to stop all treatment because of my liver, we’re going to try a natural approach.
Just looking for some support and/or insight from others who are there/have been there themselves.
Thanks all, take care
I was told I had Gilbert’s syndrome when I was in high school. I had gone to the Dr because of yellow tinge on the whites of my eyes.
Liver tests were done and I had high bilirubin.
All my other liver tests have been good - except a few times over the past 5 years when they have temporarily raised due to heavy antibiotic use.
My bilirubin is often low now - making me wonder if it had been lyme/bart causing it - prior to treating it the past few years.
I did have pots but that didn’t start until 2013 (when other lyme symptoms started) - it has resolved since lyme and bart treatment.