dcd2103 said...
astroman said...
Rest assured, it quite possible that everyone here has come to that at one point of "freaking out".
I dont remember if MG testing was a combo of physical testing and a blood marker test or not...........but my LLMD suggested I go to a Nuero to get checked out. (And you know I cant stand the typical Nuero Dr). Whatever the case,she said I didnt have MG.
I did not have much faith in that Dr (or any other Nueros I've seen) but never got that checked again as I improved. This happened at my time of being most "toxified" during dual lyme and candida treatment.
Thanks astro. what were your symptoms that made you suspect it?-------------------------------------------------
Was LLMD's thought, It was the first I heard of MG. I all ready had all over body tension/stiffness and limited range of motion ....but then started experiencing all over weakness and trembling with the weakness.
After the Nuero, I worked on detox and then started Propranolol , which is a anti-tremble Rx and a BP controlling med via calming the adrenals. Other BP meds work differently - on the veins if I remember, not adrenal action.
I only take 1/3 the dose that I used to take (mainly for BP), but I like the adrenal calming aspect too.