dcd2103 said...
I’ve ordered the test but I will have to go to another state to do it, because New York is a liberal hellhole w their hands in everything.
That made me laugh.
Forgive me if this is a repeat, but are you familiar with Michael Ruscio, DC? Over the years, I've loosely followed his work. In the past year or so, it seems he's put a lot more focus into helping patients with gastrointestinal problems.
Though I've not read it, he's written a book titled "Healthy Gut, Healthy You."
He also has a podcast titled "Dr. Ruscio Radio" that can be found on his website, iTunes, Stitcher, and other such platforms. On the "Podcast" section of his website, though, there's a link to submit a question via voicemail or text, for consideration of being addressed in an upcoming "Listener Questions" podcast episode.
He can also be found as a guest on other podcasts and across a variety of YouTube videos.
One of the chief reasons I like Dr. Ruscio is his caution -- almost an unwillingness -- to make any definitive statements about
most things related to foods, supplements, medications, testing, etc. While some could view that as a negative, I consider it a positive, as he's only willing to speak with certainty about
the things he's observed clinically or to which he can point to in the medical literature. In my opinion (which is meaningless), we need fewer "Gurus" that try to be masters of everything and become inflexible in their views and unable to hear new evidence or update their position.
Allison Siebecker, ND is another person frequently touted as being a top SIBO doctor. She has her own website, of course, online course for patients, and, of course, can be found on many podcasts and YouTube videos.
Because she's in Rye Brook, NY, I'll also mention Susan Blum, MD. I discovered her 10+ years ago, but haven't followed her in several years. However, she's always remained in the back of my mind, because I found her intelligent and I liked that she practices functional medicine -- a term which, sadly, I don't really value any longer. Though she's doesn't focus solely on gut health, it is a component of her practice. Mainly, I'm mentioning her, due to her
On one hand, I hate to suggest more people, because I don't want you to waste more precious time, resources, and hope going down additional rabbit holes. Plus, it's clear you're very smart and you've done (and, still do) a lot of research. On the other hand, if I feel there's even a remote possibility that something I share might help, I feel obligated to mention it. I'd like to see you get the breakthrough you need and deserve to get you to the next level.
Take care, amigo.