After a day spent in the ER yesterday, results of tests started my mind rolling. And because there is a nurse who works in the ER who has Lyme Disease, the doctor, nurse and others did not dismiss the role Lyme might be playing in my visit. The ER doctor even encouraged me to get back with a doctor "who knows Lyme."
Once again, as mentioned in a previous post, I am back to near constant urination, dry mouth and dry eyes. Also tremendous anxiety. They always come in a package deal. While I'm not sure about
the impact, if any, it would have on dry eyes, test results once again showing a low osmolality of urine and low sodium. When I feel better, osmolality is normal and so is sodium. Eyes are fine and no dry mouth.
I will go months at a time without the real frequent urination, but when it comes back, it does so with same other symptoms: dry mouth, morning anxiety, itching eyes, depression.
Those who are more knowledgeable than me, please correct me if I am misinterpreting all this because most of you are more knowledgeable
So I started looking to see if Lyme Disease or Bart could impact osmolality. One doctor said "Lyme Disease profoundly affects the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis, and can even damage neuroendocrine (or brain, nervous system and hormonal gland) tissue, such as the pituitary. As a result, the body does not produce proper amounts of hormones and neurotransmitters." The HPA axis assists in regulating temperature, digestion, immune system, mood, sexuality and overall energy. It can lower ADH.
It can create low osmolality, causing frequent urination, dry mouth. Those symptoms have repeated themselves over and over with me, and the frequent urination/anxiety were two of the first symptoms I had with Lyme many years ago. I'm not sure if it can cause the dizziness. It is a definite pattern as all symptoms come back at once, though fatigue is always present to some degree, even without the other symptoms.
It just all seems to come back to Lyme, even while I'm chasing autoimmune possibilities, which this very well could be. But over the years, many on this site have experienced similar symptoms, and the one thing we ALL have in common is Lyme Disease.
Thoughts? And feel free to blow me out of the water with this theory.