Posted 7/10/2021 6:55 PM (GMT -5)
Everyday for the last few weeks, I've eaten with a specific purpose. I've done 16, 18, and 24 hour fasts. Ever since I ate "normal" at Easter, I've had ringing in my ears. What helps the most is to not eat. My belief is that for us Lyme patients, we have increased absorption of unwanted pathogens from our GI tract and this increases oxidative stress. I believe Lyme alters the bacteria concentrations and not for the better. Our oxidative stress levels increase to the point that our NAD levels are eventually diminished. When this happens, it alters Sirtuin function which not only increases our aging but also the efficiency of DNA transcription/translation. This effect on the DNA, IMO, is what leads to our epigenetic shifts and ruins our detoxification pathways. I had all of this happen to me. NAD can actually improve the function of MnSO2 which is one of our main issues.
When we fast, we increase the concentration of two important species in our GI tract (that I know of). They are Akkermansia and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. We know that Lyme patients often have issues with increased levels of fungi like Candida and IMO, the Candida takes the place vacated by Saccharomyces. Acetylation is one of the key reactions and too much fungi affect our ability to acetylate. That is why we need to lower fungal levels. Akkermansia is very important in autoimmune diseases but also for other disease states.
Some foods cause my ears to ring longer than others. Nightshades are bad, sugar is bad, and animal protein does it too but not as bad. I think this can help explain why so many people benefit from a high protein diet when they have Lyme. They simply don't absorb as many harmful bacteria that their immune system must deal with when they eat meat compared to other foods like carbs. Sweet potatoes seem to be the best thing for me to eat at the moment. No butter, just plain.
I have been studying in the longevity realm for a little while now looking at what they say keeps us alive longer. I see some very good things but I also see them overlooking things. Like drinking milk because it has palmitic acid and that increases NAD levels. Yes, that is true, but they just ignore all the negative effects that palmitic acid has on the body. It is interesting for me to read these articles and see it from my eyes knowing what I know about health. There is a fine line between something being a good thing and something being a bad thing. mTor is a good example but there are more.
I have begun a quest to increase my NAD level. Things like turmeric, garlic, Panax ginseng, kiwi, green and bright colored vegetables, exercise, resveratrol, they all can increase NAD levels. Polyphenols from plants are very good at it as well. I'll let you know how this turns out. My oxidative stress is up because of this and my sleep is not optimal.