I feel like I am dying 24/7. I need treatment for sure, but I am not actually on anything that acts to kill the babesia, etc. I may be a worse case than most, as I am bedridden and have 30+ symptoms that have been there since May 15, 2021, and have had this untreated infection possibly since 2007/2008, or the more hopeful 2017, but it makes better sense that it was 2007/2008 that this all started. I am dealing with the "MS-like" symptoms a lot of the time. My anxiety is certainly through the roof. I have truly bad dysautonomia. I cannot think straight, etc. I am pretty sure I am someone who needs to be back on the benzos asap. I have always had issues since I was little, so this amplifies those issues. It's hard for others who don't understand, so it's nice to be a part of this forum. I appreciate the responses. I have dealt with wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy way more than most people, let alone people under 30 years of age (I'm 28, almost 29) and have already experienced 4 major "flares" that have lasted 3-16 months at a time.
I do agree with detoxing, but it seems that doesn't do much for me. I did months of juicing, and that is one of the most powerful ways to rid toxins from the body, and now I am taking Multiphase Detox on top of it, so I reduced the juicing to once a day. I am probably pretty clean compared to what I was in May 2021, that is for sure. I am not around the mold now. Part of me believes this really is the Babesia and that the mold is not contributing and much as it was. Things have improved in one department, but not in another. I am just feeling uncertain of this treatment right now until I have some diazepam to help control my issues, which I believe that most of them can be helped by the diazepam. I mean all of my stuff is mostly vestibular. Is that really going to get in the way of clearing this from my body? I have detoxed the hell out of myself already, but regardless of what I put in my body, I have constant anxiety that just doe not stop. Believe me when I say I am a difficult and possibly severe case. I don't know what makes me so bad, but I have it really bad. Scares me, as if I am always stuck like this.
I have so many freaking goals. One day before this all hit, I had trademarked my record label too. Things in life weren't amazing but they were going okay. Now, things are so bad. I accept things, mentally I am great, I have done that, and live by positive thinking, don't get me wrong. But I also accept that I am not the usual case and I guess I need something to keep my anxiety/vertigo under control. Otherwise, I am going to go quite literally insane while I herx.
I wish there were truly SOMETHING that helped me at least feel a little better. It seems ALL herbs mess with me. Ever since I found that smoking cannabis causes me panic attacks, I have had issues since 2011 with all of this. The entire time I covered it up with benzos too, completely untreated. I don't even understand how I have been living this long either. Then I came off of the things thinking that it was withdrawal when the reality was I may have had this infection this entire time, simply because of negative Lyme tests and never really checking for any of the co-infections. It's hard to not resent doctors because of all of this.
And not the tables have turned. They put me as more of a serious case now, they know this is serious. I just need to get in with a doc soon who can give me some freaking valium! Ironic, since I hate the stuff and was never even addicted, maybe dependant, but never addicted. Very different. Truth is, it got me by all of these years, so why not now when I need it most? Why not while I treat the infection? Can anyone object to what I am saying? Or do I have a good reason? Just curious. Maybe I am just crazy.
Thank you for the link btw. I always enjoy this information. Unfortunately, most of the time it seems I am my own doctor in this and I just need someone who is at least as intelligent as I am to help manage me. That is not to sound cocky, it's just that I find myself correcting a lot of the loose mistakes the many practitioners have put me through. Ugh, I'm just so frustrated. I need to stabilize.